The point has been raised that the Lord’s prayer uses the words “and lead us not into temptation”. Now, we know it says that God tempts nobody. Why would he “lead us into temptation”? It seems a nonsense.

I saw on the web the other day, an explanation by someone whose gravatar was “Jerome”, and he had this to say in answer to this question.

“I translate the scriptures, and here is the literal translation from the Greek.

In this manner therefore pray you all: Our Father, who in the heavens, sacred be your name. Let come your kingdom, let be done your will as in heaven, also upon the earth. Our bread of tomorrow give us today. And relieve us our debts, as even we relieve our debtors. And not let us enter into temptation, but rescue us from evil: for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory on to eternity. Amen”

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