FINAL EXPLORATORY REVELATION SERIES. Post 2. [This current series of posts is hopefully progressing towards a ‘final revelation’.] This gift of love is not just saying that if you give gifts to one another, that you are acting out of the nature of God*, but that when God gave us His Son, He gave us the nature of His love as a gift that He might affect us with the gratitude deserving of such a wondrous thing. And then, out of the recognition of, and response to, this gift; we also will be empowered to use the gift towards others. [The gift of life]

When God gave Jesus to mankind, He gave them, as a gift, His very own nature which is love and restoration of life. The outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost was this very nature of God, through the Son, bringing His own life to us in such a way as to infuse us with it, to infuse us with the nature of the Son of God so we might become sons also.

This gift of His Son is available only to those who are capable of recognising the love involved in this action of the cross, of the sacrifice of self for the good of others, for all. Through BELIEF. This recognition of love then rebirths in us the same nature of this love, through empathy and yes, guilt and through remorse.

None of this though, would have been empowered without the resurrection from the dead which the Son of God attained through the power (love) of His Father God.

[“If you then who are evil know how to give good gifts* to your children, how much more will God give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”][The gift of love comes through the authority (power) of love][The gift of love is the gift of life][Love and life are synonymous][Believe with the HEART][feel the love].

[The qualities of love are to be seen in “the fruit of the Spirit” as listed in…][and in “Love is…”]

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