Forgiveness, the nature of it and parental love for children. NOBODY WANTS A GOD OF LOVE because love will destroy PRIDE, the source of sin, which means the false SELF of sin will be destroyed, and the IDENTITY of it which we are tied to (“bound” to).

JESUS CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO EXIST* (LIVE) Because if Jesus exists (lives) then LOVE exists and loves, and pride and ego are destroyed by it. [And so then most of the world with it].

Jesus cannot be allowed to live, therefore Israel who gave birth to this Christ, also cannot be allowed to exist (live). Otherwise the destruction of false self and those of its worldly kingdoms will ensue. [Paul gave a list of progressive advances, culminating in love; but surely this is not revelationary love?][but is similar to line upon line, precept on precept?].

Parental love – do we really accept it for what it is? [“if we love only those who love us…”]. Yet do we recognise the true love of our parents for us?] As parents, we love. But as children, were we capable; did we; recognise and accept that love AS LOVE? No, because emotion enters into it, and as viable people of the world we were not taught to ‘position’ emotion correctly in our lives, because that can only truly be done within an environment of Christian faith.

Yet we did see the benefits of this Christian culture as it ‘spilled over’ into the general society around us and of which we were part. Our parents loved us to their deaths without seeing a deep response from us in the nature of the truth of love – and God likewise loves us, but fully, without seeing a result for the most part.

PRIDE BRINGS ABOUT DEATH – How do I know that? more than two thirds of people will die in their pride? Because scripture says most will die in their sin. [“broad is the way that leads to destruction”][‘unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sin’]. And pride is spoken of in scripture supposedly as being the origin of a sinful self nature, as it “took opportunity” through the catalytic stimulus (provocation) of the “commandment” without which sin nature would not have “formed”. [In like manner does Christ “form” in us].  [The nature of temptation works through the querying of truth to provide an alternative to life (death). I.E. ‘Is there a way around this truth that will destroy* me? – if I let it’ (says the autonomous thought)]. 

The Israel of God gave birth to two natures by Abraham. The one of the slave woman and the one by the free woman. And so it continues to the present day. ENMITY between two “seeds’, represented by Jesus and Barabbas, as Israel and her opponents.

[*Christ must (had to) be crucified for (the process of) reconciliation with love to occur, and we also must be crucified with Him][Is the opposite number of pride, humility? there is false love and false humility].[* see the “demoniac” response to Jesus]

When we fear GOD we are actually fearing LOVE, because love is destructive to our autonomous self. (PRIDE).


Acts 3-14 “You have killed the prince of life and desired a murderer be granted unto you”. (the condemning of Jesus and the release of Barabbas)

Full quote is…”But you disowned the Holy and Righteous one, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, but put to death the Prince of life, the one whom God raised from the dead, – a fact to which we are witnesses.”

It was because they had “killed the prince of life” within their own lives, their own hearts, that they actually DID kill the prince of life, and that was because the prior act (Eden) of killing the prince of life was (by gaining sin through disobedience) the act of releasing the murderer within themselves (sinful flesh). Therefore, they preferred the release of the murderer Barrabas, the one they were accustomed to, rather than release Jesus, the prince of life, whom they had denied all their life.

The act of releasing the murderer was symbolic of them allowing the murderous reign of sin within themselves, to kill the prince of peace within themselves.

Acts 28 verse 27 “..Lest they should hear with their ears, And understand with their heart and turn again, and I should heal them..”


Acts 3-14 “You have killed the prince of life and desired a murderer be granted unto you”. (the condemning of Jesus and the release of Barabbas)

Full quote is…”But you disowned the Holy and Righteous one, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, but put to death the Prince of life, the one whom God raised from the dead, – a fact to which we are witnesses.”

It was because they had “killed the prince of life” within their own lives, their own hearts, that they actually DID kill the prince of life, and that was because the prior act (Eden) of killing the prince of life was (by gaining sin through disobedience) the act of releasing the murderer within themselves (sinful flesh). Therefore, they preferred the release of the murderer Barrabas, the one they were accustomed to, rather than release Jesus, the prince of life, whom they had denied all their life.

The act of releasing the murderer was symbolic of them allowing the murderous reign of sin within themselves, to kill the prince of peace within themselves.

Acts 28 verse 27 “..Lest they should hear with their ears, And understand with their heart and turn again, and I should heal them..”