According to Murray, this verse which is normally rendered “for the Spirit was not yet given”, is literally written as above, that the Spirit was not “given” because it did not exist, it was NOT YET because it came from the glorified Christ who was not yet glorified.

“The Spirit of Christ” Andrew Murray 1979, chapter 5.

John 7-39. View also this article

[“The Trinity” is called into question by this because if Jesus was “the (Pentecostal) Spirit” then He as a man did not co-exist at the same time as His resurrected self in risen form. The Father gave birth to the Son who (then) BECAME “a life giving Spirit”]


According to Murray, this verse which is normally rendered “for the Spirit was not yet given”, is literally written as above, that the Spirit was not “given” because it did not exist, it was NOT YET because it came from the glorified Christ who was not yet glorified.

“The Spirit of Christ” Andrew Murray 1979, chapter 5.

John 7-39. View also this article

[“The Trinity” is called into question by this because if Jesus was “the (Pentecostal) Spirit” then He as a man did not co-exist at the same time as His resurrected self in risen form. The Father gave birth to the Son who (then) BECAME “a life giving Spirit”]


According to Murray, this verse which is normally rendered “for the Spirit was not yet given”, is literally written as above, that the Spirit was not “given” because it did not exist, it was NOT YET because it came from the glorified Christ who was not yet glorified.

“The Spirit of Christ” Andrew Murray 1979, chapter 5.

John 7-39. View also this article


According to Murray, this verse which is normally rendered “for the Spirit was not yet given”, is literally written as above, that the Spirit was not “given” because it did not exist, it was NOT YET because it came from the glorified Christ who was not yet glorified.

“The Spirit of Christ” Andrew Murray 1979, chapter 5.

John 7-39. View also this article


According to Murray, this verse which is normally rendered “for the Spirit was not yet given”, is literally written as above, that the Spirit was not “given” because it did not exist, it was NOT YET because it came from the glorified Christ who was not yet glorified.

“The Spirit of Christ” Andrew Murray 1979, chapter 5.

John 7-39. View also this article


According to Murray, this verse which is normally rendered “for the Spirit was not yet given”, is literally written as above, that the Spirit was not “given” because it did not exist, it was NOT YET because it came from the glorified Christ who was not yet glorified.

“The Spirit of Christ” Andrew Murray 1979, chapter 5.

John 7-39. View also this article


Man cannot realise his potential outside of God. Have we been overwhelmed by our own greatness? It seems man has been given his ego so that he can subjugate it. [Through Him who is the “gate”].

Revisiting “equality with God”. “Have this mind amongst you” [or attitude] which was also in Christ Jesus. And there lies our problem, and the answer to it. Phil.2-5.

Man has, somehow, [through His “image”] been given “equality with God”. We do not know how to handle it, but Jesus did. The word says elsewhere, “I have said, you are gods”. We have this huge potential as children of God but we become overwhelmed by the magnitude of who or what we are, and the confusion this causes, dominates us and reduces us to being enemies of Him.

Have this mind in you which also was in Jesus. Which mind? Jesus existed “in the form of God” but did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself.

The reason we have to have the same mind as in Him, is because we are in the same position as him, and that is, that he found himself to be in the same position as US, as a man.

The glorification of man in God, or of God in man, can only be achieved as our image, the image of God in us, is glorified. We cannot glorify the image of God, that we are, directly; we can only glorify it as being Him, or IN Him, and then that glory stores itself up as us, for us.

God has given us his glory, but we can only take hold of it through the man Jesus. When WE have HIM, we also have “The glory which I had with you before the world began”.

We can only do this via the very special Spirit that Jesus became, commonly called “The Holy Spirit”, He became the result of this experience of “being found in appearance as a man” and returns to us to bring the fullness of what it means to us, and to enable us to conform to what he himself achieved. We do not have to achieve it, as such, but we do have to “allow” conformity to it, to Him, to take place.

Only as we glorify God, is our image also glorified. As we glorify him, we glorify ourselves. Of interest is the verse “..he had not yet been glorified” apparently signifying that he was not yet in his “final form”, which was to be the full glorification of man in God, and God in man, and which/who was to become, “The promised Holy Spirit”.

The glory which He became was to be returned to us in completed form, not just the completed form of the God man, but of the man God, returned to us in all His fullness, now completely compatible with us, mere men. And in this form, “all things are ours.”*

It is as we “sow to this Spirit” that we, though being as those standing on one side of an imperfect very thick pane of glass, and seeing the image of glory on the other side of it, do yet feed it and cause it to grow, though not directly being a part of it, but seeing it as another entity, as HIM. In reality, this entity is the new creation that we will become, are becoming, in him.

*[“All things are yours”]



Man cannot realise his potential outside of God. Have we been overwhelmed by our own greatness? It seems man has been given his ego so that he can subjugate it. [Through Him who is the “gate”].

Revisiting “equality with God”. “Have this mind amongst you” [or attitude] which was also in Christ Jesus. And there lies our problem, and the answer to it. Phil.2-5.

Man has, somehow, [through His “image”] been given “equality with God”. We do not know how to handle it, but Jesus did. The word says elsewhere, “I have said, you are gods”. We have this huge potential as children of God but we become overwhelmed by the magnitude of who or what we are, and the confusion this causes, dominates us and reduces us to being enemies of Him.

Have this mind in you which also was in Jesus. Which mind? Jesus existed “in the form of God” but did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself.

The reason we have to have the same mind as in Him, is because we are in the same position as him, and that is, that he found himself to be in the same position as US, as a man.

The glorification of man in God, or of God in man, can only be achieved as our image, the image of God in us, is glorified. We cannot glorify the image of God, that we are, directly; we can only glorify it as being Him, or IN Him, and then that glory stores itself up as us, for us.

God has given us his glory, but we can only take hold of it through the man Jesus. When WE have HIM, we also have “The glory which I had with you before the world began”.

We can only do this via the very special Spirit that Jesus became, commonly called “The Holy Spirit”, He became the result of this experience of “being found in appearance as a man” and returns to us to bring the fullness of what it means to us, and to enable us to conform to what he himself achieved. We do not have to achieve it, as such, but we do have to “allow” conformity to it, to Him, to take place.

Only as we glorify God, is our image also glorified. As we glorify him, we glorify ourselves. Of interest is the verse “..he had not yet been glorified” apparently signifying that he was not yet in his “final form”, which was to be the full glorification of man in God, and God in man, and which/who was to become, “The promised Holy Spirit”.

The glory which He became was to be returned to us in completed form, not just the completed form of the God man, but of the man God, returned to us in all His fullness, now completely compatible with us, mere men. And in this form, “all things are ours.”*

It is as we “sow to this Spirit” that we, though being as those standing on one side of an imperfect very thick pane of glass, and seeing the image of glory on the other side of it, do yet feed it and cause it to grow, though not directly being a part of it, but seeing it as another entity, as HIM. In reality, this entity is the new creation that we will become, are becoming, in him.

*[“All things are yours”]



Man cannot realise his potential outside of God. Have we been overwhelmed by our own greatness? It seems man has been given his ego so that he can subjugate it. [Through Him who is the “gate”].

Revisiting “equality with God”. “Have this mind amongst you” [or attitude] which was also in Christ Jesus. And there lies our problem, and the answer to it. Phil.2-5.

Man has, somehow, [through His “image”] been given “equality with God”. We do not know how to handle it, but Jesus did. The word says elsewhere, “I have said, you are gods”. We have this huge potential as children of God but we become overwhelmed by the magnitude of who or what we are, and the confusion this causes, dominates us and reduces us to being enemies of Him.

Have this mind in you which also was in Jesus. Which mind? Jesus existed “in the form of God” but did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself.

The reason we have to have the same mind as in Him, is because we are in the same position as him, and that is, that he found himself to be in the same position as US, as a man.

The glorification of man in God, or of God in man, can only be achieved as our image, the image of God in us, is glorified. We cannot glorify the image of God, that we are, directly; we can only glorify it as being Him, or IN Him, and then that glory stores itself up as us, for us.

God has given us his glory, but we can only take hold of it through the man Jesus. When WE have HIM, we also have “The glory which I had with you before the world began”.

We can only do this via the very special Spirit that Jesus became, commonly called “The Holy Spirit”, He became the result of this experience of “being found in appearance as a man” and returns to us to bring the fullness of what it means to us, and to enable us to conform to what he himself achieved. We do not have to achieve it, as such, but we do have to “allow” conformity to it, to Him, to take place.

Only as we glorify God, is our image also glorified. As we glorify him, we glorify ourselves. Of interest is the verse “..he had not yet been glorified” apparently signifying that he was not yet in his “final form”, which was to be the full glorification of man in God, and God in man, and which/who was to become, “The promised Holy Spirit”.

The glory which He became was to be returned to us in completed form, not just the completed form of the God man, but of the man God, returned to us in all His fullness, now completely compatible with us, mere men. And in this form, “all things are ours.”*

It is as we “sow to this Spirit” that we, though being as those standing on one side of an imperfect very thick pane of glass, and seeing the image of glory on the other side of it, do yet feed it and cause it to grow, though not directly being a part of it, but seeing it as another entity, as HIM. In reality, this entity is the new creation that we will become, are becoming, in him.

*[“All things are yours”]