FINAL EXPLORATORY REVELATION SERIES. Post 2. [This current series of posts is hopefully progressing towards a ‘final revelation’.] This gift of love is not just saying that if you give gifts to one another, that you are acting out of the nature of God*, but that when God gave us His Son, He gave us the nature of His love as a gift that He might affect us with the gratitude deserving of such a wondrous thing. And then, out of the recognition of, and response to, this gift; we also will be empowered to use the gift towards others. [The gift of life]

When God gave Jesus to mankind, He gave them, as a gift, His very own nature which is love and restoration of life. The outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost was this very nature of God, through the Son, bringing His own life to us in such a way as to infuse us with it, to infuse us with the nature of the Son of God so we might become sons also.

This gift of His Son is available only to those who are capable of recognising the love involved in this action of the cross, of the sacrifice of self for the good of others, for all. Through BELIEF. This recognition of love then rebirths in us the same nature of this love, through empathy and yes, guilt and through remorse.

None of this though, would have been empowered without the resurrection from the dead which the Son of God attained through the power (love) of His Father God.

[“If you then who are evil know how to give good gifts* to your children, how much more will God give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”][The gift of love comes through the authority (power) of love][The gift of love is the gift of life][Love and life are synonymous][Believe with the HEART][feel the love].

[The qualities of love are to be seen in “the fruit of the Spirit” as listed in…][and in “Love is…”]


When you seek to analyse God, you are analysing yourself, since man was made in His image. The thing about this is, that God is fluid because He is Spirit, and to seek analysis of His [and our] thoughts is like trying to stop time by trying to record His thoughts and to hold them in a time store for further investigation of them. But this is what LAW is and is why it creates failure of the ability to capture who God is, because He is not some static phenomenon but is that fluidity of SPIRIT as just stated, who is who He is BECAUSE of that fluidity.

When man “fell”, he fell out of that fluidity that God IS and man was SUPPOSED to be, into the rehearsal of what he thought God USED to be in God’s real time environment. But man is no longer operating in “real time” but only in the echo and shadow of man’s perception of who God has now become, because of the time lag and storage of information opportunities which man in his “flesh” has become.

So rather than “capture” who we think God to be, we are only ‘capturing’ the shadow of Him as it passes through our minds, as our minds reflect upon His brightness but only through the darkness of our own inability to interpret the information we are now receiving through our dark filter of “sin”, or mental activity which has fallen outside of God’s real time operation.

Jesus broke through that faulty perception of God and presented God once more in the reality of that real time scenario, aggravating man’s little kingdom world of laws in the process. The religious leaders were so agitated by this that they killed Him, but not before He had actively demonstrated the real God and the power of His “kingdom” which presented and manifested in various forms of spiritual, mental and physical healing or restoration of that which had fallen, to that which had ascended; both spiritually and physically. After His death and rebirth, His Spiritual ascension became the focus of his followers to enable their [spiritual] gathering together in His ascended form to become and be called His church, “seated with Him in the heavenlies”; and this “kingdom” then “reigned” as His spiritual oversight and rule between God and His now renewing [renewed] creation through His Son.

So to be trapped in sin is to be trapped in the time dependent method of analysis instead of being released into the free-flowing nature of the Spirit that He is. I say “He” because whether you see “He” as being God or being Christ is of no importance in the spiritual, since in that respect, all are one.

To be “in the flesh” is to operate in the past darkness of and from distorted and corrupted knowledge; to be “in the Spirit” is to be operating in the present time of the light of the nature and presence and knowledge [and glory] of God.


In looking at some of the discussion around Romans 7, it appeared that John Calvin, because of his “total depravity” doctrine, was both an ardent supporter of the wrong view of Romans 7, AND a supporter of the doctrine of the “trinity”, to the extent that he was participant in the murder of those who promoted an anti-trinitarianism stance.

I have not yet been compelled to openly confess to a doctrine of trinity, because this word does not appear in the bible, and appears to be a conclusion jumped to by many along with loads of other wrong interpretations of scripture. It has not yet particularly concerned me about trinity or no trinity, except to note that trinitarians support the Holy Spirit as a “person”, against those non-trinitarians who, as unitarians, deny the personal nature of the Holy Spirit of the New covenant. In this respect it is important.

It appears to me that Jesus Himself was cognitive of His own identity in the form of “son of man” and in separation from the identity of the Spirit because He said “…He when He comes will take from what is mine and make it known to you…”. This indicates that though His primary identity was as Son of God [and that never seems to change?] He also recognised His Humanity as “son of man”. So here then we have three identities mentioned, Son of God, son of man, and then a separation of these two in the form of the third, ‘…He, when He comes will take from what is mine and make it known unto you…’.

But Jesus also said that “I am with you, and will be IN you” and other scripture says “The Lord, who IS THE SPIRIT” and many others as well. Which is where the old A.V. terminology of “Holy Ghost” comes in to play, showing that the Spirit at Pentecost was the returned Jesus in a form which He Himself was not willing to identify with at the time of His earthly ministry, while IN the “person of” the Son of God, yet manifested in the flesh as son of man.

So there we have four possible identity shifts to do with the nature of the manifestation of Jesus, unless we add a fifth as He was just before He “returned to the Father” as some sort of interim ‘half-way house’ before He was fully in the final and fully completed ‘form’ to sit down at the right hand of God. But apart from the “Do you not know me Philip? I and the Father are one. He who has seen me has seen the Father” there appears little to support the notion that Jesus was in fact, God. Of course it does make a nice little theological parcel to make a case for the trinity, but the identity of God as Father of all seems to present a constant theme in which the Son Himself remains the Son apart from the Father although of course, WITH the Father.*

But it has never really concerned me apart from the Unitarians using their anti-trinitarianism stance to attack the personal nature of the Spirit and to reduce Him to an impersonal “power” extension of God, and/or as simply an accumulation of scriptural knowledge to the point of where it could be said that ‘Christ now dwells in you’ as an extension of Jesus’ personality and function. This denies the whole concept and reality of the personal Saviour [ in the form of the Pentecost Spirit] indwelling us, and brings us back to a self righteousness instead of a gifted righteousness, which defeats and sabotages and corrupts the very nature of redemption itself.

I don’t particularly see the need for trinity as others see it, and I don’t see how it affects one’s faith particularly (though I can see how it could); but I DO find it disturbing that Calvin’s doctrine would cause people to be tortured to death, and equally disturbing that because of these his doctrines, that Romans 7 would once again be misrepresented and distorted and corrupted so that salvation itself equally becomes misrepresented, distorted and corrupted.

[* I am happy to be shown my error, I have no particular “axe to grind”. There are other scriptures EG ‘the glory I had with you before the world began’ or similar, but where is there a solid rendition of the theme of Jesus IS God? And equally so, where does it break with the clear indication that Jesus never ceases to exist as SON of God?]


Jesus used some specific words to the effect that if people could not accept Him on the basis of what He said, then they still should be able to accept Him on the basis of what He DID.

Jesus was sent at the appointed time and place to where God’s message could take root and grow, and from where it could be spread to the whole world.

HE was GOD REVEALED to mankind. “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” He said. “I and the Father are one” He said.

And people rejected both His words and His deeds in their eagerness to deny His claim as being the Son of the God they claimed to believe in and live by.

It was by their rejection of Him that they were rejecting the righteousness which they claimed to have through their LAW relationship with HIS Father. They were incapable of understanding or contemplating what real righteousness was because they lived in the hypocrisy of a law based religion which made demands on them they couldn’t keep.

And this situation has not necessarily changed to this day. People are still unable to see “the forest for the trees” when they maintain their religious opposition to the God of real righteousness, and His Son, by putting their religion before righteousness, in so many ways. Such blindness prevents them from recognising other children of God and they reject them simply on the basis of individual and corporate religious points of view rather than accept them for the righteousness they have and that they are in Christ. By rejecting them they are rejecting the Christ they profess to believe, who is in those being rejected.

Because they are blinded to righteousness. Because they themselves are NOT righteous. Therefore they do not KNOW righteousness. And hence Jesus who IS righteousness does not know them.

So to reject the Son who has demonstrated to the world both His and His Father’s righteousness, is to reject the only true God AND the life He has given us by His Son. “No man comes to the Father but by me”. If we reject the gospel of Jesus then we are rejecting our own lives by the sacrifice that righteousness Himself made in order to communicate that life of righteousness to us also.

To be UNABLE or UNWILLING to recognise the qualities of righteousness that are in the Spirit Himself that manifest as love joy peace forgiveness mercy and all of the “fruits of the Spirit” in all their goodness, is to disqualify oneself from life that is truly life. And that is why to those who reject Him it will be said to them, “Depart from Me, ….I never knew you“.

[Mat.6:23 If the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness][Rom.14:17 For the the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit]


Jesus used some specific words to the effect that if people could not accept Him on the basis of what He said, then they still should be able to accept Him on the basis of what He DID.

Jesus was sent at the appointed time and place to where God’s message could take root and grow, and from where it could be spread to the whole world.

HE was GOD REVEALED to mankind. “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” He said. “I and the Father are one” He said.

And people rejected both His words and His deeds in their eagerness to deny His claim as being the Son of the God they claimed to believe in and live by.

It was by their rejection of Him that they were rejecting the righteousness which they claimed to have through their LAW relationship with HIS Father. They were incapable of understanding or contemplating what real righteousness was because they lived in the hypocrisy of a law based religion which made demands on them they couldn’t keep.

And this situation has not necessarily changed to this day. People are still unable to see “the forest for the trees” when they maintain their religious opposition to the God of real righteousness, and His Son, by putting their religion before righteousness, in so many ways. Such blindness prevents them from recognising other children of God and they reject them simply on the basis of individual and corporate religious points of view rather than accept them for the righteousness they have and that they are in Christ. By rejecting them they are rejecting the Christ they profess to believe, who is in those being rejected.

Because they are blinded to righteousness. Because they themselves are NOT righteous. Therefore they do not KNOW righteousness. And hence Jesus who IS righteousness does not know them.

So to reject the Son who has demonstrated to the world both His and His Father’s righteousness, is to reject the only true God AND the life He has given us by His Son. “No man comes to the Father but by me”. If we reject the gospel of Jesus then we are rejecting our own lives by the sacrifice that righteousness Himself made in order to communicate that life of righteousness to us also.

To be UNABLE or UNWILLING to recognise the qualities of righteousness that are in the Spirit Himself that manifest as love joy peace forgiveness mercy and all of the “fruits of the Spirit” in all their goodness, is to disqualify oneself from life that is truly life. And that is why to those who reject Him it will be said to them, “Depart from Me, ….I never knew you“.

[Mat.6:23 If the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness][Rom.14:17 For the the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit]

Jesus is the Only Way Pt.4 – Reject Jesus, Reject the Father – REBLOGGED [1601]

Why Christ? Why Christianity?

Most people don’t think about it, when you reject Jesus, you are rejecting the Father. People like to say “I am religious, I love God, but I do not need Jesus or I don’t want anything to do with Jesus.” Why is this wrong? Can you turn your back on Jesus and still have a relationship with God?

Luke 10:16 “The one who listens to you listens to Me, and the one who rejects you rejects Me; and he who rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me.”

John 5:23 so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.

John 5:37-38 “And the Father who sent Me, He has testified of Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time nor seen His form. 38“You do not have His…

View original post 665 more words


The decisions we have to make already are predetermined in their righteous outcome, it is just a matter of whether or not we will be obedient to that Spirit of righteousness. God’s position is unchangeable, it is we ourselves who are the variable, but who are asked to be as Jesus was [on this earth] and therefore should always be responsive to the Father [and to others] in the terms of the righteousness which He has established, has given to us, in Jesus.


I think the theory of polarisation could be of interest in theology. The principle of polarisation (that I am about to create) is that an inert substance may take on meaning and identity once polarised.

To explain polarisation, think of a magnet. If you bring an ordinary piece of metal near it, and stroke the metal with the magnet, this will cause the magnetic field of the  magnet to magnetise the steel, and it will become another magnet. The steel had no particular properties, it was having just an ordinary day, until the magnet came along, and it was changed.

That is PHYSICAL polarisation. Then there is SPIRITUAL polarisation. Ordinary people come into contact with religion, and they become Baptists, Anglicans, Lutherans etc. This is an example of multiple polarisations, although still separate entities.

MENTAL polarisation may be seen in someone who is actually “Bi-Polar”. That is, they have a medical condition that used to be called “Manic Depression”. In this condition a person exhibits extreme mood swings, from elation to depression.

MULTI Mental polarisation is when there are several differing states appearing. An example of this may be so called “demons”, which may be a singular manifestation of extreme religious state, but can also manifest with several different personalities.

ROBOTIC polarisation is where a person is strongly polarised such that they are predisposed to follow a certain order, pattern, or seeming compulsion, without much deviation from their set course. Can be used to describe Jesus in his dependency on the Spirit of God.

Similar in the religious sense is to do with the parable of “The rich man in hell”. Here, says “Father Abraham”, there is “a great gap”. (between heaven and hell). The polarisation exists between the two states of heaven and hell. Unlike the magnet which has an attractive force between its two poles, and we could consider them opposite in name, but attracted in purpose, heaven and hell are in the polarisation of opposition. That is, they are repulsive of one another, mutually exclusive of each other. While the people and their locations are typically polarised.

Now for an additional concept. Just like the magnet used magnetic lines of force to induce the state of polarisation into the steel, we could consider some other influential force to achieve this effect. The mental state could be influenced by ideas. The spiritual state of a “spiritual” person could be arguably altered by some spirit influence.

I want to look at Jesus, but first to say that a person who has been traumatised or medically mentally damaged in some way, especially if they have come under religious influence, can believe and exhibit the symptoms of a “demoniac”.

What I am getting at is there is some influence that can enter and control the behaviour of perhaps a previously “normal”person.

That “influence” that leads to polarisation of or within the person may be seemingly mundane and innocent, such that we can have FOOTBALL polarisation, or SEXUALITY polarisation.

In America perhaps, if you start a conversation in a room full of people, you may see them moving to positions of commonality, because they have allegiances to Republicans or Democrats. In football, fans may group at some positions near the field together to show their common allegiance to their particular club.

OK so now to Jesus. Any “normal” person would be able to hold a “normal” conversation with other “normal” people. They do not normally exhibit obvious polarising characteristics. Although continuing conversations with them may reveal some “traits”. But Jesus was not normal by any means. He was absolutely polarised by his certainty of his identity as the son of God.  [and it was on this ground that his “adversary” attacked him.]

His conversations with people were not “normal”. And his conviction of who he was and what his purpose was, that he did not, would not, recognise anything outside of his identity, as being a part of himself at all, was not “normal”.

What I am getting at, is that though he was a partaker of our human nature, and I have to claim that this nature was fallen, was of fallen Adam, just like our nature. – Otherwise what would be the point if he were NOT “in all points as we were” (tempted) and was NOT “made like his brethren”, Otherwise, how could he overcome our problem, our indwelling sin, our fallen nature.

Therefore, he saw anything within him that was not pure and holy, as if it were a foreign entity. Like Paul in Romans 7, who said it was not him but sin that dwelt in him. Whether or not we could say the same thing about Jesus might be a bit (to say the least) arguable, but we surely must concede that he had within him the same sin producing mechanism that we had, “yet without sin”. Otherwise, how is sin to be put to death on the cross?

So Jesus was so polarised in his mission, towards his Father, and in the whole nature of his being, that power was with him. And he could deny temptation, because he knew he was the son of God. Yes he had that advantage over us, the only one, that of his identity.

If we knew our identity in him, and were subject to strong polarising influences such as the Holy Spirit, we too might become strongly polarised such that we had ever increasing power over sin. And we have been given free access to this Spirit, that HE actually is.

When by his inner righteousness he opposed and defeated the inherited (from Mary) power of sin within him, and put it to death, rendering it harmless, he defeated sin and death, and the law of sin and death. He abolished the law by fulfilling the law, both of life and of death. He and his body became a “life giving Spirit”. He became the object of the promise, and the realisation of it. The free gift of life was poured out freely on the world at Pentecost. Come and partake, eat and drink, or stand off afar and remain in darkness.